Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Okay so I fell totally lame for not being able to get on here for such a long period of time, I just get busy and forget. I don't know if anybody else is like this but I will keep thinking and saying that I need to call so and so, I need to call so and so and then the next thing I know my day is over and it is too late to call or I am to tried to talk and just want to go to bed. My problem is this can go on for weeks. I am terrible. Well with this blog is the same type of thing, my friends have been getting on me about this for months now and I finally remembered and did it. Now hopefully I can talk to those that I usually don't have a chance to talk to on a more frequent basis.
Other than that I have been pretty busy. My almost 9month old baby boy is teething (2 more on top) and is standing and trying to walk. I mean he can and has been able to but is getting more comfortable not holding on to things. A friend let me borrow this scooter thing that he is consistently pushing around and thinks it is hiliarious.
We are moving not out of Eugene, but into a house. We didn't buy it (we want to) but we have to get some addtitional financies in order. The plan is that I am going to go back to work here in the next couple of months to help with the financies. I don't need to work, but it will help to move us in the path we want faster. Because I am going back to work and my husband does not want our son to be in daycare yet, my mother-in-law is moving up to stay with us!!!!! My husband says just for three months or so!!!! I am freakin crazy!!!! I have nightmares about this. I know everyone has an en-law who just drives you crazy and it is hard enough to spend a couple of days with that person. Know here I am going to justify her. She is actually a great mother-in-law. She is very hospitable, loving, and caring; however, she goes beyond that 10-fold, always asking if there is something you need, want and will not stop!!! Then it doesn't help that she is bi-polar.
We will see how this whole thing works out my husband says we will do a trial basis of 2 weeks. Later!!

Monday, July 30, 2007

hello! so I feel alot better about myself, but I think that is because I try to not think about the things that are going wrong in my life. whats new nothing really... well twice a week know I am a mother of a 4 month old and a sitter of a 2 yr old. got to go

Friday, July 20, 2007

Hello everyone, so I feel that eventhough I have what most women want in life I still feel so empty and bored. I have a great husband, a beauitful baby boy, a car (not the best, but I have one), clothes to wear, food to eat and a wonderful apt roof over my head (it's not the house that we were supposed to have bought last week...thats a whole nother story). But this is the first time in 7 years that I have not worked and gone to school full time. I almost feel worthless, that I can't help provid for our family. I know being a mother and raising a son is a full time job and that in itself should feel rewarding, but sometimes I just don't feel that. I also think that it is difficult for my husband; to have all that pressure of being the only one to be able to provide for our family, having to work up to 6 days straight and up to 12 hours a day. I think that it would be alot better if we had our friends and family with us here to support us and to help take care of our son so I could work part-time or try to go back to school. That's another thing I want to go back to school to get my master's. Becuase I can't do anything with a Ba in Psych. What to get my master's in? I have no idea. I would love to do psych, but UofO doens't have many options that I was hoping for. So should I look into something else? And the process in of itself is so time consuming and hard. I just don't feel that I have the time to do that with a new born. I wish I could get some more answers from UofO than what I have gotten. I went there the other day running around the whole campus, people sending me all over the place saying " they will have that info, no they'll have that info, go here, go there" finally I gave up and so did Davin. I love my son soooo much, but it almost seems that it would be alot easier to do school or work, finish and do what I want if I didn't have him. DUH! UH! I have to get used to that. I would never trade him for anything in the world. It's just hard for me to be home all day. I get bored. That is so terrible! Sometimes I wish that I would never opened my mouth telling my husband that I wanted to live here. There are both pros and cons to living here in oregon. I guess I just have to get used to it though cause nothing is going to change; we don't plan on moving back to california probably ever!